30 April 2024

After an incredible 3-day immersive learning experience, the USAID-supported 4th Safe Blood Country-led Learning Event has ended in Windhoek, Namibia, leaving behind a trail of inspiration as representatives from Malawi, Rwanda, and Liberia collaborated to craft country-specific roadmaps, mapping out strategies, objectives, and action plans aimed at strengthening their respective national blood systems.

Throughout the event, participants exchanged knowledge and gained insights into safe blood practices, they explored diverse perspectives and innovative approaches through dynamic discussions, knowledge exchange and collaborative efforts, all geared towards achieving safer blood for patients within their ecosystem.

A big shoutout to the Namibian Blood Transfusion Services team for graciously hosting this enriching learning experience. The warmth and hospitality truly set the stage for an impactful dialogue.

As we bid farewell to Namibia, the journey does not end here. We will continue to provide technical support to these countries as they march forward towards their safe blood objectives.

The Safe Blood Project is part of the Health Systems Strengthening Accelerator (HSSA), which supports governments and other health sector stakeholders in redesigning and strengthening health systems across Africa.