Year : 2022


The Non-Communicable Diseases and Injuries (NCDI) Poverty Network held its second knowledge exchange series on 28th June 2022. The session held virtually and brought together panelists from Nigeria, Nepal and Uganda. It aimed to understand the agenda of the participating countries on NCDIs, how they prioritize NCDI conditions, and the tools used for priority setting in each country.


In Nigeria, the NCDI Poverty Commission is a group that has been tasked with conducting priority setting. The commission is made up of 25 commissioners from different stakeholder groups including the government, donors, implementing partners, clinical experts, the academia, and civil society organisations.

Health Strategy and Delivery Foundation (HSDF) is supporting the Nigeria NCDI Poverty Commission through the secretariat, which is domiciled at the NCDs division of the Federal Ministry of Health. The secretariat is currently conducting situation analysis and priority setting for NCDIs at the national level.

Insights from the webinar

Two members from the Nigeria NCDI Poverty Commission secretariat were panelists at the webinar- Dr Alayo Sopekan (Deputy Director for Non-Communicable Diseases at the Federal Ministry of Health) and Dr Damilola Oko (from HSDF).

During the webinar, Dr Oko highlighted the importance of priority setting in the Nigerian context. She stated that it allowed for the efficient use of resources, such that health coverage is accessible by the vulnerable, marginalized and hard-to-reach population.

Priority setting allows us make decisions on how best to allocate resources (which are limited) and determine the strategic direction for health plans at the different levels.”

Responding to the moderator’s question on the different dimensions of priority setting, she asserted that the Nigeria NCDI Poverty Commission is currently prioritizing conditions and interventions. For conditions, the Commission examines reasons why individuals lose most healthy years to ill health, while interventions explore the feasibility of implementation in the Nigerian context.

The other panelists from Nepal and Uganda also shared how their countries are conducting priority setting to ensure that NCDIs that affect their local contexts are brought to the fore for intervention.

Click here to watch the webinar.