Driving Socioeconomic Transformation through Private Sector Empowerment: Highlights from the CLOSA Peer Learning and Capacity Building Workshop in Senegal

Responding to the critical need for Private Sector Associations (PSAs) across Africa to transition from relying on donor funding to achieving financial self-reliance, the USAID-funded CLOSA project hosted a two-day capacity-building workshop in Dakar, Senegal, on August 12 and 13, 2024. Themed “Exploring Evidence-Based Models and Harnessing Market and Funding Opportunities for Sustainable Revenue Generation for Private Sector Associations,” the workshop drew 69 representatives with 40 female and 29 male from 24 PSAs from key sectors including agriculture, health and entrepreneurship to explore strategies for financial sustainability and regional economic empowerment.


The event provided a vital platform for PSAs to acquire the necessary tools and insights to excel in competitive markets, thereby securing their essential role in Africa’s socioeconomic development. Notable experts, including Haroune Siddat from the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE), led key sessions. Siddat introduced sustainable revenue models that go beyond traditional membership dues and emphasized the need to diversify income streams. Panelists from the African Financial Company (COFINA), the National Union of Chambers of Commerce, Industry, and Agriculture of Senegal (UNCCIAS), and USAID/Senegal highlighted the critical importance of enhancing market linkages and leveraging financial schemes to foster business growth.


The workshop also featured valuable contributions from the Agency for the Development of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (ADPME) and the General Delegation for the Rapid Entrepreneurship of Women and Youth (DER), who provided practical insights on capitalizing on multi-sectoral opportunities. Participants engaged in interactive activities to develop customized “revenue strategy documents,” utilizing tools provided by the Health Strategy and Delivery Foundation (HSDF) to refine their revenue strategies effectively.


The CLOSA project continues to build a robust, multi-country knowledge base, fostering adaptive learning and sustainable practices among private sector associations in Senegal, Nigeria, and Ghana

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